Cei trei ucraineni care au trecut marţi seară graniţa în România prin Munţii Maramureşului, în condiţii meteo extreme, şi care au cerut ajutorul autorităţilor după ce s-au rătăcit au fost găsiţi şi recuperaţi, unul dintre…
Three Ukrainian citizens who crossed the Romanian border into the Maramureş Mountains in severe weather conditions got lost and had to be rescued by the Romanian Salvamont team.
One of the Ukrainians suffered an injury, and all three are suffering from hypothermia and lack of provisions. Recovery efforts are ongoing due to challenging mountain terrain.
Three Ukrainian citizens who crossed the Romanian border into the Maramureş Mountains in severe weather conditions got lost and had to be rescued by the Romanian Salvamont team. One of the Ukrainians suffered an injury, and all three are suffering from hypothermia and lack of provisions. Recovery efforts are ongoing due to challenging mountain terrain.